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01/19/2024, 12:58:51

    The Elf Herself writes:

    What was the first computer game you played on your computer?

    Mine was the old "Phantasie." (I had fallen in love with "Adventure" on our old Atari gamebox, and "Phantasie sounded like the nearest equivalent. It was.)

    The very first game I ever played was on a business computer in Papa Elf's workplace. The boss allowed us to "play" on it. (It was after business hours.) The game was called "Star Trek," but it was a far cry (Rev. Spooner strikes again! I almost typed, "car fry") from the simple BASIC games available later. No sound, no video. The point was to shoot down Klingon starships. There was a grid sheet (tediously typed out by whoever had the instructions for it,) which showed a sheet of asterisks (stars) set about an inch apart on one sheet of computer paper. (IIRC, about 9" X 12".) Each star had its position labelled underneath it: A1 thru J10. The player then entered in the co-ordinates (D6, C4, H5, etc., for example.) There was then a command to "Fire!" (which escapes me now.) The Klingon ships ==> then "landed" on "random" co-ordinates*. If the ship landed on a chosen co-ordinate, it disappeared. The player's score was then shown at the bottom of the sheet. Tedious, but I was hooked.
    * There was at that time no computer which gave a true random result. I don't believe any personal computer yet has that capability.

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